Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Warthogs Get Political: Finding a Field

Every year the team management hunts diligently for a decent practice pitch. When I get frustrated I try to remember that it's a marathon and not a sprint. We are trying to establish rugby for a group of kids who usually don't get included in the sport and try to groom them for success on the next level, hopefully getting them into college.

Can't we all agree that we want kids on ball fields instead of street corners? So let's make it happen. Why can things in Oakland, even good things, be so difficult some times.

We started out from Oakland Charter school, who can no longer sponsor us but still offers help when they can, three years ago. Charter is in the district of Ignacio De La Fuente. When De La Fuente ran for mayor, the team volunteered walking the precincts for him. I thought this might result in a little quid pro quo. I am still waiting on the "quo" part from his office.

Every year I call his office and every year his assistant calls me. She is always very nice. She puts me in touch with people, like the "Unity Council," a group that is supposed to work between the community and the schools for field space.

Last year, the Unity Council had us on a chewed-up pitch of old small astro-turf at Fruitvale and 16th Avenue. We had to share the spot in the dark with a soccer team. We had to supply our own lights. The border of the field was cement. If you played hard, you landed on cement. Not good. Columnist Scott Ostler captured the essence of the gritty park.

This year, De La Fuente's assistant once again referred me to the Unity Council and put me in touch with a woman from Oakland Schools facilities. Ideally, we want access to the nice lighted field at Oakland High School. The woman from Oakland Schools asked, "Why don't you try to use the fields down on Gilman Street in Berkeley?" The Unity Council called me once this year; I left three calls and never heard from them again.

Every year we also turn in a permit request to Oakland High. We have liability insurance. I cannot reach a live person in power at Oakland High. I have not heard back from anyone and must assume that they never even viewed the request or have turned it down.

I called the office of council member Jean Quan. An assistant called and told me that I had to talk to Parks and Rec downtown. Wow, what a revelation. She repeated the City policy of not using the grass fields during the rainy season.

I had a very nice call back from council member Desley Brooks. She listened to me for more than five minutes and seemed sincere. I appreciate her interest.

I have now been talking to at large member Rebecca Kaplan's office. Chris from her office called me back and seems supportive. He has tried to put me in touch with Oakland School Board Member Chris Dobbins to see if that might open the doors to a field at OUSD.

To the Oakland School District and the City I say this: These are your kids. We all say we want to help them so let's make it happen. As coaches we are doing this for free because we care about their welfare. Rugby is secondary to trying to teach them some lessons about accountability, teamwork and respect for authority.

We have lately been working out under the lights at Brookdale Rec Center, which is decent. We just need more help from the City for finding a full, regulation field for practice and for hosting matches. To me, this is a basic city service.

I went in front of the City Council at a recent open forum to make a little pitch. Got the sense that they were a tad jaded. Next time, I am taking a 20 kids with me and we will do the Haka.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oakland Warthogs Tour St. Mary's College

Great day at St. Mary's College for the Oakland Warthogs youth rugby team,

The boys visited the college in Moraga, California on Saturday, taking a tour and meeting with a member of the admissions staff.

We then watched a tight match between the St. Mary's College team and the Diablo Gaels, somehow managing to dodge the brunt of a nasty storm.

The event highlighted what the Warthogs are about: improving the lives of Oakland kids with rugby as the vehicle.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nice Plug for Oakland Warthogs in Another Blog

Courtesy of Today in Montclair blog. Thanks for noticing. The dream is to build a high school rugby club for all of Oakland to provide our student-athletes for options after high school.

Rugby is a unique team sport. Come join us for a couple practices to see if you like it.

We treat kids right. We are demanding but never abusive in any way, shape or form. Yelling and constant criticism makes kids, and adults for that matter, just tune out.

Rugby is a mix of: football, wrestling, mixed martial arts, soccer and even some basketball skills.

Call Mike Spencer (510) 593-3767 for more information. Practice Wednesday and Thursday nights at Brookdale recreation center, High and Brookdale streets, 5 pm. You need: molded soccer cleats, shorts and a mouthpiece.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Warthogs Open 09/10 Training at Brookdale

The City did not turn on the lights but that did not stop the Warthogs from a crisp start to the new season.

About 15 lads showed, led by Eric Pena of Oakland Charter. The boys worked on launch defense. Coach Soni and staff immediately introduced the troops to pod rucking! Kids who had never touched a rugby ball drilled in how to clear defenders from a ruck, love it.

The trio of Oakland High islanders showed they are ready. Fua, Mone and Nella each looked like they had packed on 20 pounds of muscle and sprouted an inch or two since last season. Nella looks to be a try-scoring machine, whether at the centers or flank. Coach Soni's son, Ikee, a freshman at San Leandro High, demonstrates that he is ready to play with the big boys.

The boys will be running in December on Wednesday and Thursday nights at Brookdale from 5 pm to 7 pm, then Saturday mornings at Curt Flood field, Coolidge and School streets.

On Saturday, December 12, St. Mary's College has invited the Warthogs to tour the campus and to meet the mighty St. Mary's rugby squad.

The season is off on the right foot!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Season training to start Sat. Oct. 24 9 am

We are going to play some touch and have a run on Saturday October 24 at 9 am at the field at Lake Merritt, Oakland, off Grand Avenue across from Gold's Gym. All high school age boys in Oakland or any rugger is more than welcome. The season is starting!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oakland Warthogs Prepare for Third Season

(Warthogs Leon Tan, left, and Jose Pena walk at graduation ceremony at American Indian Charter High School in Oakland. Tan is San Diego State bound while Pena will go to Cal and play some rugby for the national powers.)

Calling all high school rugby players and potential rugby players, the Warthogs will be starting another season in a few months. The program welcomes all boys currently enrolled in any Oakland high school. Details about practice will be announced as soon as we firm them up and get a new web site up and running.

The Warthogs are a club and are free to student athletes. Rugby, the second most popular sport in the world next to soccer, will be an Olympic Sport in 2016. You don't have to be the biggest, strongest or fastest to become a good rugby player. You do need heart and some smarts.

Call Coach Mike Spencer (510) 593-3767 if you have any questions or want to join. We provide a positive atmosphere of hard work and emphasize doing well in school. The league matches start in January.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Big fundraiser June 6 and June 7


WHEN : SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 2009 7AM – 5PM SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2009 8AM – 2 PM


WHY : With the difficult economy, we can no longer be funded by the Oakland Charter Academy High School. Without this support we need to raise money to keep our program going and to give Oakland’s high school students an opportunity to do something constructive with their free time and to coach them into being responsible and respectable young men.We have been so fortunate to have our friends and family donate so many items to this garage sale. We just need you to come support us by stopping by and taking a look. We are sure you will find something you want or need t at the fairest price.Items for sale include, but are not limited to : dvd’s, dvd players, cd players, televisions, vhs videos, purses, shoes, clothes, rugby and soccer jerseys, video games(PS2, Xbox, Nintendo 64 & more), futon, couches, refrigerator, wine refrigerator, vacuum cleaners, irons, stereo equipment, mini stereo systems and boom boxes, books, snowboarding and skiing equipment/gear, bathroom sink, shower doors, 80 lb punching bag, razor electric motor bike, sports equipment, book shelves, entertainment centers, home decorations, kitchen appliances and accessories, dishes and cookware, lamps, tools, printer, wine bottle holders, comforters, tables, board games, hair clippers, Sawsall, tree limb chainsaw, power sander, multiple power tools, yard work power tools, and so much more!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Oakland Warthog high school rugby fundraiser

Maybe you read Scott Ostler's column on the Warthogs in the San Francisco Chronicle. We are a high school club in Oakland, California that is entering its third season, competing against some of the top rugby talent in the country, Lamorinda, Jesuit, etc.

The Warthogs are grassroots rugby. The team sprung from Oakland Charter Academy, which no longer will have the resources to sponsor the team. The team is hosting a yard sale June 6 and June 7 at 2491 Cole Street in Oakland, off High Street in the Maxwell Park neigborhood, to raise money for the 2009/2010 season. The team is also selling stylish T-shirts, in red, black and white, for $15 each.

Donations by check can be made to Bay Area Youth Rugby, Inc., 1935 Octavia Street, San Francisco, CA 94109. The donations are tax deductible, EIN 26-3252059. Please be sure to write "Warthog" on the check's memo line.

The Warthog coaching staff is all volunteer. We run the club to give the kids the gift of rugby, a sport where people make friends for life, see the world and learn the values of hard work and dedication. Any and all funds raised go to pay for: practice field rental, league and national dues, uniforms, equipment, etc.

Most kids on the Warthogs, a city-wide club, come from poor backgrounds. Rugby is a healthy alternative to the streets. Thank you for your support.